Advertisement Ad Slot


Let’s say you want to advertise a shower gel for women on TV. What do you think would be the right time to advertise on TV? When would your target audience, i.e. the women would have time to watch your TV ad without skipping it. All these factors taken into consideration while buying a slot for your product’s TV ad is called Media Buying and Media Planning.

Contact Marketing. LAGOS & ABUJA Olaleye Adekalu – 0803 477 4833 email: email protected Precious Aremu – 0806 098 5994 email: email protected Sylvia Ohioma – 0803 403 5630 email: email. 1.9 “Viral Advertising” shall include all forms of viral advertising, stealth advertising and advertising using internet memes. 1.10 “Bonus Offers” shall mean the offering of any goods, services, ebooks or other benefit whatsoever whether or not of any real or perceived benefit or value as an incentive to the customer to purchase the. With over 5,000 advertising platforms to choose from, it can be intimidating to select ad platforms that are suitable for your campaigns. Google Ads, Facebook/Instagram, Bing, AdMob, the list goes on and on. With that many ad platforms available, it's a challenge to decide which ones to focus your attention and advertising budget. It’s still a coveted time slot, but the push to digital is making it a little less desirable. The TV advertising model changed drastically with the advent of DVRs and TiVo.

Media Buying

Media buying differs from “earned” or “owned” media. It falls into the “paid” media category and plays an essential role in marketing. Media buying is the purchase of media spaces for the most advantageous timeslots. Purchasable media options span from newspaper ads to prime time TV slots to online banner ads. This article describes the buying of above-the-line advertising media i.e. Buying TV Ad slots and Radio Ad slots.

Buying TV Ad slots

Buying TV ad space is not that complex, but advertisers must know the basics first. Here are some of them you need to keep in mind before launching a TV Ad campaign.

The first question to be asked is: What are you gaining by buying TV advertising? What are the KPIs you need to reach? What are your expectations? We could say two different objectives would motivate you: your brand image would drive one, the other by your achievements.

Regarding your brand, a TV Ad campaign could help you when you are launching your brand, with a campaign dedicated to presenting a new product or the new features of an existing one. Don’t forget, TV is the most powerful media, and it is one of the only ones that can touch such a big audience in such little time. You would also want to reposition your brand – a tough job – and lead customers to think differently about your brand; think about sponsorship, which is very useful for repositioning a brand. Another example would be you need to link your brand to a story-telling, establishing trust and confidence with the TV-viewers

If you are correctly led, TV could help you generate a direct response to your website, app or even store. For example, you could want to push your application and increase the volume of app installs. Also, a TV ad could help you multiply the amount of traffic on your website and, therefore, generate more leads. Your TV campaign could also permit you to trigger calls to your call center, and motivate TV viewers to know more about you and your services/products.

In other words, every advertiser has different objectives, and, therefore, different KPIs.

Who are you trying to reach?

Deciding what you want to do is tightly linked to knowing who you want to target on TV. Who is watching TV at the time your ad is broadcasted essential: you want to reach the right audience! Once you’ve selected your audience – 16-34 women, men who love to cook, parents with kids – you (or your agency) will be able to choose the TV programs that are the most relevant.

An to do so, you should definitively know some keywords.


The reach is the number of people who have seen your ad, at least once. But if someone saw your ad twice in a defined relevant period, it is still counted as one.


It shows the average number of how many times a person has seen your ad, in a defined relevant period.

Frequency = Total duplicated audience



The percentage of the target audience reached. And the target audience would be the audience you’ve selected, as the one who would be the more responsive to your ad, because it concerns it, your products/services are made for them.


The Television Viewer Ratings, known in other countries as the GRP, the Gross Rating Point, is actually how you buy a TV Ad – kind of currency. It is the percentage of potential TV viewers at a given time. It is effortless to calculate: you need to compare the number of your target audience and the total of the audience, and 1 TVR = 1% of a target audience.

When should you advertise?

Your audience isn’t the same in March and in July, on a Monday or a Thursday, at 8 am or 5 pm. That’s why you need to know which programs are broadcasted throughout the year, the week and the day.

The seasonality

Of course, seasonality. If you advertise for school supplies, August and September would be your preferred months. Do you want to present your new sunscreens? Think June to August. But if you advertise cars or hair products, seasonality would less impact you.

Prices are driven by supply and demand, and some months are more expensive than others. For example, January, July or August would be the least costly, and April, May, September, October or November would be the most costly.

Day of the week

Same here, with the days of the week. Your audience may be watching TV on certain days of the week but not others. A difference could be made between “need” and “want” products. For example, TV viewers would be more likely to respond well to products they want during the week, as they would be watching TV after a day of work, and just wanting to relax. However, on weekends, especially Sunday, they would want to get this done before the weekend is over, and therefore interested in “need” products.

The dayparts

The hour of the day plays an important part when looking to buy ad space on TV. The TVR is at its highest during Peak, because that’s when viewing is the most important. The most profitable time is definitive during early peak and late peak, mostly from 5:30 p.m. to 10:59 p.m., and even post maximum, from 11:00 p.m. to 12:29 p.m. Breakfast time is also worthwhile, from 06:00 a.m. to 08:59 a.m.

On the contrary, daytime is pretty calm, from 09:00 a.m. to 5:29 p.m., with most of the audience having the most purchasing power being at work or school.

How much does it cost?

The cost of advertising on Television depends on the following factors:

The timing of advertisement:If you want to advertise between 7 AM – 9 AM it varies between INR 1,000 – INR 24,000 for 30-second ads. English channels like HBO charge you about INR 1000, and News channels charge the highest about INR 24,000 as the viewership is maximum in the morning.

Weekends Vs. Weekdays: The cost of advertising during Weekends goes as high as 45% when compared during a weekday. The price depends based on the channel.

Surprisingly movie channels charge you lower on a Sunday. The cost drops by almost 45% during weekends

Viewership: The price of advertising differs from channel to channel based on the number of viewers they attract.

Average amount spent per customer for an advertisement of 30 seconds is about INR 0.007. (Yes, the reach is great).

You can check the detailed price tariff for different channels in India here.

Buying Radio Ad slots

Radio, as an advertising medium, is perhaps unparalleled. Whether it’s commuters stuck in traffic, students going to class or cross-country cruisers cranking classic rock, about 77 percent of Indians listen to the radio in a given day. So your business can only grow by utilizing the radio waves to advertise. But before you do so, here are five things to think about.

The Time of the day

Most radio stations say there are six sessions per day – and as you can imagine the breakfast session has a far bigger listening audience than the midnight to dawn session. So it’s important to consider the trade-off between what session best suits your product versus the cost of advertising in that session.

The Length of the Commercial

Most radio commercials are 30 seconds long. However, you can purchase 15, 45 and 60-second slots as well. A 60-second commercial suits products that need explanation whereas a 15-second ad suits a consumer-friendly brand with a clear call to action. And because of the peculiarities of radio advertising – stations want to sell 60-second spots; you might pay 20 percent more to double the length of your commercial.

The Type of Commercial

Most radio commercials are pre-recorded. Other options include live-reads (by the announcer) and live-crosses (to the advertiser). Radio advertising rates are lower for pre-recorded commercials, but the added benefit of personal endorsement or interaction often significantly increase the number of responses to the ad.

The Popularity of the Radio Station

An independent research company measures the audience size for each radio station according to many criteria. Radio stations use these numbers to position themselves in the market and to set their radio advertising rates.

Tune in to the right frequency

Listeners constantly turn their radios on and off, more so than TV. So you need enough repetition to be heard and remembered. But at first, don’t break the bank. So once you know the station and time of day, pick a couple of weeks and buy about three ads per day on a trial basis. If it works, keep buying.

Get the spot right

Now you need to make the commercial. If the station offers to produce it, take them up on offer, even though they keep the rights to it. Pay for a DJ or commentator to read your ad, if possible, since that carries more weight than a pre-recorded commercial. Repeat the name of your business in the actual ad copy. People can’t write down info when driving, so they need to remember. Also, make your phone number or website easy to remember. Helping the listener only helps you.

Check out the price tariff of radio stations in India here.

If you are thinking of buying radio and TV ads to help reach prospects and boost your sales, leave your media buying tasks to Strawberry Branding for optimum results.

Prepared for [ADVERTISER NAME]

By [COMPANY.FirstName] [COMPANY.LastName]


PandaTip: This Advertising Agreement Template is to be used by a company or individual to set up an agreement with advertiser to promote products or services and receive a commission from the company or the individual. The principal focus of this Advertising Agreement is online advertising and assets. However it is also suitable for other more traditional forms of advertising (OOH, product placement, etc.).

This Advertising Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions upon which [COMPANY NAME] (the “Company”), being a Company duly registered under the laws of [STATE] with registered number [REGISTERED NUMBER] and having its registered address at [REGISTERED ADDRESS], engages [ADVERTISER NAME] (the “Advertiser”), being a Company duly registered under the laws of [state] with registered number [REGISTERED NUMBER] and having its registered address at [REGISTERED ADDRESS] as an advertiser for the Company (together, the “Parties”).

PandaTip: The terminology used can be confusing because of the increasing tendency amongst online businesses to refer to the creator of the material being promoted as the ‘advertiser’ and the person promoting (or advertising) such goods or services as the ‘promoter’. In this Advertising Agreement we will always use the term ‘Company’ to mean the person selling the product or service and ‘Advertiser’ to mean the person advertising the product for sale but you should be aware of this difference in terminology if dealing with online marketing and advertising agencies (and affiliate marketing organizations in particular).

WHEREAS: The main activity of the Company is [ACTIVITY]

PandaTip: This section should include a general description of activity of the Company, for example, “the publication of eBooks.”, “the manufacture and sale of health and fitness equipment.”, “the sale of diamond and zirconia rings.”, etc.

WHEREAS: The Advertiser provides advertising services in this abovementioned area.

WHEREAS: The Company is desirous of engaging the Advertiser to provide advertising services on such terms as are set out throughout this Agreement and the Advertiser for his part is desirous of being engaged by the Company to provide said advertisement on said terms.


1. DEFINITIONS. In this Advertising Agreement:

Advertisement Ad Slot

1.1 “Territory” shall mean [TERRITORY]

PandaTip: If this Advertising Agreement is limited to a particular state, country or other geographical area then this fact may be added above (for example “the USA and Canada”). Otherwise choose “anywhere in the world.”

1.2 “Social Media” shall mean all forms of social media such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn etc.

1.3 “Ads” shall mean online advertisements.

1.4 “PPC” , “CPC” shall all mean Pay Per Click advertising.

1.5 “PPV”, “PPM”, “PPI”, “CPI”, “CPM” shall all mean Cost Per View advertising.

1.6 “Display Ads” shall means advertisements promulgated by any display networks.

1.7 “SEO” shall mean Search Engine Optimisation.

1.8 “Video Advertising” shall mean advertising on, or any other similar public or private video website.

1.9 “Viral Advertising” shall include all forms of viral advertising, stealth advertising and advertising using internet memes.

1.10 “Bonus Offers” shall mean the offering of any goods, services, ebooks or other benefit whatsoever whether or not of any real or perceived benefit or value as an incentive to the customer to purchase the goods or services of the Company.

PandaTip: If any of the above terms do not apply to the potential Agreement, you can remove them for the sake of concision.

1.11 “Fees” shall mean the Fees set out in Clause 4.

1.12 “Budget” shall mean the advertising Budget set out in clause 5.

1.13 Unless it is evident from the context and having regards to the generality of the Agreement that a clause intends to mean otherwise: words denoted in the singular only shall include the plural and vice versa; words denoted in any gender shall include all genders; and, terms denoting people or persons shall include both natural and legal persons (such as corporations) and vice versa.

1.14 The heading names in this Advertising Agreement are provided as reference only and do not form part of this Advertising Agreement.

1.15 This Advertising Agreement may be executed in both English and other languages. If there is a conflict between this Agreement in its various translations the English version shall prevail.

1.16 The illegality or unenforceability of any clause (or part thereof) shall have the effect of voiding that clause (or part thereof) only and not the entirety of this Advertising Agreement.

1.17 This Advertising Agreement may be executed either in one original or in two counterparts.

1.18 The terms of this Advertising Agreement shall be deemed to be binding on both Parties based on their respective conduct notwithstanding any error or defect in the execution of the Agreement.

2. PROVISION OF INFORMATION In order to enable the Advertiser to create and promulgate appropriate advertisements the Company agrees to provide the Advertiser with:

2.1 An executive summary of the Company and its area of operation.

2.2 A detailed description of the product or services being advertised including information relevant to advertising such as cost, payment means, refund policy etc.

2.3 An indication of the intended purpose of advertising (whether to promote a given product or service or raise brand or product awareness or both).

2.4 A detailed budget for advertising.

2.5 Access to their website traffic statistics in order to allow the Advertiser to tailor and improve the advertising as well as tracking commission, if applicable.

PandaTip:If you wish to add anything to the list of information that the Company will provide to the Advertiser you can do so by including extra sub-clauses here.

The performance by the Advertiser of its obligations under this Agreement is conditional upon receipt of the above and changes in these requirements must be notified in writing as soon as practicable.


3.1.The Advertiser may use the following means to promote the products or services of the Company as agreed between the Parties from time to time:

3.1.1 SEO

3.1.2 Text Ads

3.1.3 Image Ads

3.1.4 PPC Ads

3.1.5 PPV Ads

3.1.6 Social Media Advertising

3.1.7 Advertisement on [WEBSITE OR BLOG NAME]

3.1.8 Viral Advertising

3.1.9 Video Advertising

3.1.10 Radio Advertising

3.1.11 TV Advertising

3.1.12 Magazine Advertising

3.1.13 Billboard Advertising

3.1.14 Word of Mouth Advertising

PandaTip: Amend this list to only include the advertising types which are offered by the Advertiser.

3.2 The Advertiser is expressly prohibited from using the following means to promote the products or services of the Company:

3.2.1 Popups

3.2.2 Bonus Offers

3.2.3 Affiliate Marketing

PandaTip: Amend this list to change those advertising types which are excluded.

3.3 The Advertiser shall not promote any advert without that advert being first approved by the Company.

PandaTip: If you wish to allow the advertiser to promote without checking each advert then you can remove this clause.

3.4 the Advertiser agrees that it will surrender to the Company the following items on the termination of this Advertising Agreement:

3.4.1 A full list of keywords used in connection with the advertisement or SEO.

3.4.2 All advertising copy and creative.

3.4.3 Full details of the PPC or PPV strategy including targeted territories, budgets, and any other demographics.

3.4.4 Full details of all traffic received or directed under the campaign including Google Analytics information or similar.

PandaTip: If you prefer that the Advertiser does not have to provide this information on termination then remove this clause.

4. FEES In consideration of its services the Company agrees to pay the Advertiser [FEE], those fees itemized in the spreadsheet appended hereto which shall form part of the this Advertising Agreement and which shall be initialed by both Parties.

PandaTip: This is the most important clause in the agreement and it is the most likely to be disputed so it is important to draft it very clearly. It is often best, especially if there are multiple products and services are being advertised at various rates, to use a PandaDoc pricing table or a table from an Excel spreadsheet and to include it here, or (if it is very extensive) add it as an appendix to this Advertising Agreement.

PandaTip: Some brief examples of common pricing models: a fixed fee of 1,000 USD per month; 5% of all closed sales; the sum of 0.45 USD per click on our website introduced by the Advertiser; the sum of 1.20 USD per email submitted to our mailing list.

PandaTip: It is also very important to define each term in the fee structure, and to also reach an agreement with the Advertiser as to how that information will be tracked and shared: for example, specifying that a closed sale is one in which the conversion pixel is fired on the Company website and not refunded within a 1-week period, or that a “click on our website” must be a unique New Visitor as delineated in a Google Analytics account that both parties have access to.


5.1 during the course of this Advertising Agreement and in addition to those Fees outlined in clause 4 the Company undertakes to pay [BUDGET] to the Advertiser to be used to meet the direct costs of the advertising campaign.

5.2 the Budget shall be paid in the following manner: [MANNER OF PAYMENT]

PandaTip: If there is no flat upfront fee in addition to what’s specified in the Fees section above, 5.1 may be removed. This section should state how often the budget will be paid and where it will be paid to. For example “In a single payment at the execution of this Advertising Agreement transferred to the designated bank account of the Advertiser.”, or “In equal monthly payment of USD 1,000 paid into the Google Adwords account of the Company.”

5.3 In the event of the Termination of this Advertising Agreement the Advertiser agrees to return any unused Budget.

6. DURATION This Advertising Agreement shall commence on the date of its execution and shall have effect until any of the following occurrences at which point the Agreement will end:

6.1 the failure of the Company to pay any fees due under this Agreement within 60 (sixty) days of them falling due provided that such delay was not expressly agreed between the Parties.

6.2 The provision of 14 (fourteen) days’ notice in writing by either Party.

PandaTip: If you wish to change the amount of notice of termination of this Advertising Agreement or allow for different notice periods whether or not notice is provided by the Company or the Advertiser you can do so by changing the above clause.

6.3 The passing of one calendar year.

PandaTip:If you wish this Advertising Agreement to be shorter than a year, or to continue indefinitely you can amend or delete this sub-clause.


7.1 Both Parties warrant that they have the necessary power and approval to enter into this Advertising Agreement.

7.2 Both Parties warrant that they are not aware of anything in their reasonable control which will or could have an adverse effect upon their ability to perform their respective obligations under this Advertising Agreement.

7.3 The Advertiser warrants that he/she will use only those means of advertising approved by the Company and listed in clause 3.1 and the Advertiser undertakes not to use any other means of advertising without the prior written approval of the Company and such approval shall constitute a variation pursuant to clause 9.

7.4 Where the Advertiser is holding or otherwise controlling an advertising Budget he/she undertakes to use this Budget in its entirety for advertising and not for any other purpose and to return any unused Budget at the termination of this Advertising Agreement.

7.5 The Advertiser undertakes to pause or stop all advertising on the express instruction of the Company in writing.

7.6 The Company undertakes to pay all Fees promptly and not to unreasonably withhold payment.

7.7 The Advertiser warrants that he/she will use only a) material expressly authorised by the Company or b) entirely original material and will not infringe the copyright of any third-party.

7.8 The Advertiser warrants the he/she will not use any false or misleading statements in their advertisements whether by statement, act, omission or implication.

7.9 The Advertiser warrants that he/she will not use any vulgar, offensive or disreputable means of advertising.

7.10 The Advertiser agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Company against any and all losses howsoever arising as a result of a breach of clause 7.7, clause 7.8 or clause 7.9.

7.11 The Advertiser acknowledges that he/she does not have the right to bind the Company.

7.12 The obligations and benefits under this Agreement may be assigned by either Party provided that the other Party first agrees in writing to said assignment.

7.13 The failure or delay by either Party to enforce any term of this agreement or to act upon a breach of any term shall not constitute a waiver of their rights.

7.14 Both Parties warrant that they will not do anything to hinder or adversely affect the execution of the other Parties’ duties under the Agreement.

7.15 Both Parties warrant that they will submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and legal system stated in clause 11.

8. CONFIDENTIALITY It is agreed that:

8.1 The Advertiser shall ensure that any confidential information or material which is obtained during the scope of this Advertising Agreement or in negotiation thereof is kept confidential including but not limited to the details of the means of advertising and the commission due or received under this Advertising Agreement.

8.2 The Company shall ensure that the details of the Candidate are kept confidential at all times and undertakes not to share this information with any third-parties.

8.3 The Advertiser undertakes that he shall not expose any confidential information except with the prior written consent of the Company or if directed to do so by a competent Court provided always that such information has not previously entered the public domain by other means.

8.4 The terms of clauses 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 shall apply indefinitely notwithstanding the termination of this Advertising Agreement.

9. VARIATION Any variation to this Advertising Agreement shall be made in writing and signed by both Parties.

10. NOTICES Any notice served under this Advertising Agreement shall be made in writing and shall be considered served if it is handed to the other Party in person or delivered to their last known address or any other such address as the Party being served may have notified as his address for service. All notices shall be delivered in English.


11.1 The Advertising Agreement is made under the exclusive jurisdiction of the laws of [STATE/COUNTRY].

Advertisement Ad Slot

11.2 Disputes under this Advertising Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [STATE/COUNTRY].

11.3 Notwithstanding the terms of 11.2 both Parties agree that in the event of a dispute they will enter into arbitration before the International Chamber of Commerce before a single arbitrator whose decision shall be final.

PandaTip: If you do not wish to include the right to arbitration, or if you wish to choose a different arbitrator then please delete or amend this clause. Arbitration is a private arrangement (unlike a legal case) and is sometimes included to demonstrate to the Parties that they will not be able to achieve any benefit by threatening to sue but must rather be willing to go through a fair arbitration hearing.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Advertising Agreement:







